Gin Cocktail Recipes; the Butterfly Flower & Malfy Pink Lemonade

Whilst we are huge advocates for a classic G&T made with great quality tonic, we also very much enjoy experimenting with gin based cocktails.

As part of our Cellar Door gin tasting event last Friday, we gave our customers a lesson in how to make two of our favourites; the Butterfly Flower & Malfy Pink Lemonade.

Fancy giving them a go at home? Here's how!

Butterfly Flower

1. Fill your chosen glass with ice

2. In a Boston Shaker, muddle 4-6 grapes, a 4 cm thick piece of cucumber and 5-6 mint leaves – try to extract as much juice as possible

3. Add 25ml each of Foxhole Gin, St. Germain and lemon juice to the shaker

4. Fill with ice and shake for 30 seconds

5. Double-strain the cocktail to remove traces of the fruit and leaves, pour into your chosen glass and garnish with a sprig of mint and a cucumber ribbon - delicious!


Malfy Pink Lemonade

1. Fill glass with ice

2. Add 50ml Malfy Gin Rosa

3. Add 25ml Limoncello (or a little more to taste)

4. Top up with soda water (approx. 100ml)

5. Stir well and garnish with raspberries a lime wedge and enjoy!

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